
Cultivating Kindness in a World that Values Rightness

I want to tell you a story. When I was a middle schooler, I was a mean girl. I know. I’m so ashamed. No really, I am utterly ashamed. I was pretty and popular- most likely because I was pretty and certainly not because I was the type of person any reasonable parent would want their child to be friends… Continue reading Cultivating Kindness in a World that Values Rightness


Surviving a Threenager

God bless the parents of three year olds. After parenting four of them over a decade, I feel confident in saying that the threenager phenomenon is, in fact, a thing. And it is a really, really, exceptionally challenging, frustrating, and gloriously invigorating thing. If you are parenting a threenager, or if you have an eventual… Continue reading Surviving a Threenager

healthy living · parenting · pregnancy

My Hygge Homebirth

  It’s been six weeks, and I know if I don’t get this story written soon I’ll forget all the glorious details that I definitely want to remember forever. And you guys have been waiting for this haven’t you? I mean, I can’t possibly be the only birth story junkie out here, right? Well, here… Continue reading My Hygge Homebirth


Navigating #metoo and cultivating boundaries with kids

I don’t know about you guys, but the #metoo movement has become a pretty big topic for conversation in our house. As a mom of both boys and girls, and a wife to a husband who had some wild times in college, and a parent in a house that has grown more and more into… Continue reading Navigating #metoo and cultivating boundaries with kids

healthy living · life · mental health · parenting

Making and Holding Space

Happy Friday, friends! If you’re like me, you’re watching the summer come to a close (maybe with a tear in your eye? and also a sigh of relief at the sheer exhaustion of an eventful few months?) and doing your best to will the fall weather here ASAP. Were I in my typical mid-August routine,… Continue reading Making and Holding Space

family · parenting · planning · travel

Cross-Country Roadtripping: Phase One

When last I left you guys, I was hinting at the beginnings of our amazing 13-state sojourn across America, full of camping and learning and being utterly in awe of the wonders of nature all around us. Sigh. It really was wonderful. But how did we get there, you say? In my wildest dreams, I just keep… Continue reading Cross-Country Roadtripping: Phase One

homeschool · parenting · planning · travel

Homeschooling across America

If you follow me on social media, you know I’ve been taking the squad camping across America for the last two weeks. It’s been part necessity (we’re moving from Salt Lake City to the Great Lakes) and part fun-activity, because we learned all about early American history this year in our homeschool, and what good… Continue reading Homeschooling across America

family · healthy living · mental health · Mom time · parenting

I’m back!

Hello friends! Oh man. It’s been close to a year since my last post. Really, Lauren? What happened??? So here’s the thing. In my last post, I talked about taking a break from social media. But true story… I needed a break from media in general. I needed to work some stuff out. I knew… Continue reading I’m back!

parenting · thoughts

The Good Mom

It finally happened, friends. I got sucked into the mommy wars. In a decade of parenting, I have seen my share of mom-judgement, but I’ve been enjoying a refreshing, albeit surprising, reprieve from criticism when it comes to my parenting in the last couple of years. Maybe it’s that ten years of sleep-deprivation has left me oblivious… Continue reading The Good Mom